I didnt have to work on Monday. So, I planned a trip to A.C. for this weekend. Scott and Scotty decided to ride up with me. We put the word out we were going. Next thing you know, about 10 of us from MD-Poker are making the trip up.
The plan was to leave early morning Sunday to get to The Trop in time for the 11am Sunday tourney. Check in the Borgata that afternoon and play cash games all night. Then, get up and play the Borgata Daily Tourney on Monday morning.
Well, I got up on Sunday morning and there was snow everywhere. I mean, we knoew it was coming. But we were so set on going, I wasnt going to let it cancel my plans. I drive a big truck. We can make it. So, I get up at about 4:30 an get ready. Get to Scotts place to pick them up and we hit the road.
Let me say this. The roads were terrible. Aall the way up to the Maryland/Delaware state line it was bad. I couldtn do no more that 40 mph. Finally, near the line it cleared somewhat and I was able to push it. Well, we make it to The Trop at about 10:30am. Get there and there is a massive line. Finally the guy comes out and says the tournament is a sell-out. Where did all these people come from on a Sunday in a snow storm?
So, I jump on the cell phone and call The Taj to see what they have runnin today. I reach the poker room and the staff tells me they have a $100 + $20 at 11am and 6:30pm. Cool. But its now 10:40. So, I rally the troops out of line and we leave our vehicles at The Taj and hail 2 cabs to shuttle the 10 of us over to The Taj. We get there in the nick of time. We get Taj cards, register and we're in.
Well, it wasnt a good tournament for me. Out of 92 players, I came in 21st place with the top 9 getting paid. Womp-Womp-Womppppp!!!!
So, I shoot over to The Borgata to catch up with my crew. They had busted out before me and shot over there to get some cash game action. I went to The Trop first to pick up my truck and then grabbed some sandwiches from White House for the crew, checked in, grubbed out and chilled for a minute. I was still in a zone after losing in the tourney. The only thing that would ease my mind was to try and try again. So, I made plans to play the 6:30 tourney at The Taj. Long story short, I didnt do well in that one either. Oh well. Maybe I have lost it. So, I shoot back to The Borgata. Hit the room and start thinking about what I did wrong today and what I have to fix for next time. After some soul searching, I decided to go downstairs and shoot some craps for an hour or two and then play some $6/$12 poker.
I didnt want to be up too late tonight because I wanted to be fresh for the Borgata tourney at 11. So, I go hit the craps table and win-lose-win-lose-win to get back to even and then quit. I shoot down to the poker room to play 6-12 limit for an hour or two and then hit the bed for the big game.
Monday Morning! I kinda overslept. So, it was a mad rush when I got up because I had to do shower and shave and pack before I went down for the tourney because Check out was 11 and the tourney started at 11 (We never check-out til 12ish anyway). So, I'm running late and I get down to the poker room and see a line for the tourney. Please dont let me miss this one. So, I get in line to register and when I get to the window, the cashier tells me it just sold out and that I could be the first alternate. I'm pissed at myself. But if you have ever stayed at The Borgata, you know they have the best beds in the world and you hate to get out of them.
So, I sign up to be first alternate. I have up to 40 minutes or so to get a spot in the tourney since it is a re-buy tourney. So, I go play some $3/$6 Limit to burn some time. Today must be my lucky day. I sit down and immediately take down 2 hands. Then comes a hand where I'm dealt K7 suitesd. What the hell. I'll limp. Flop comes K77. No way! Way! lol I flopped a boat. But I'm still getting action. To the point where its capped post flop, turn and river. If this dude had Pocket Kings I'm going to be pissed. Turns out he had 7-5 and caugh a 5 on the turn for a boat. But mine reigned supremt. Pot was about $200 something dollars by the river. Sweet. WOuldnt you know as I'm raking in the chips, the lady comes and tells me my spot was open for the tourney. So, I start racking my chips to depart. I know the table was heated to see me leave. So, Grab my chips, cash-in and then sit down at the tourney.
I'm tired of typing now. So, I'll pick up this entry on my next post.
Stay Tuned!!!