Poker-Free Day, Well, Kinda-Sorta...
I also did some poker reading. Trying to get caught up on my CardPlayer magazines. Just got a new one in the mail on Tuesday and I'm not finished the last one I got. Speaking of CardPlayer, for the first time since I began subscribing, I actually received an issue on the same date as published on the cover. Yep, I got the March 22 issue with Layne Flack on the cover on Tuesday, March 22. Unbelivable considering I usually get my issues about 3-4 weeks late. Havent figured out if its a postal issue or a CardPlayer issue. I'm going to call CardPlayer when they they all get back from The Party Poker Million Cruise.
Speaking of Party Poker Million, I just found out Paul Darden made the final table and the final 6 for TV. This is one guy I have been following for a while now. Good job Paul. Now take it down! Also, last year's winner, Eric Lindgren (a Full Tilt Poker Pro), is out and did not make the final table. Dont worry Eric. I'm sure you'll make many more final tables in the near future.
Well, its a new day. Will probably play some Wilson's Tournament Hold'e at work, read-up on my Card Player and check out this demo-cd of Poker Academy ( that came with the latest issue of Card Player. Will probably play Bumper's tourney tonight and/or get some play in on Full Tilt.
On Friday, BoDog is having a special $2000 Freeroll for users. I plan to play in that. Kicks off at 9:15pm on BoDog Poker. I may play some satellites on Full Tilt tonight for their weekend guarantees. However, I'm going to Atlantic City on Sunday. So, I may just pass on the guaranteed tourneys this weekend.
Well, thats enough babbling for now.
-Big Syd
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