Why Does Big Syd have a Poker Blog?
First, let me say that I am not a Professional Poker Player nor do I think I am one. Yes, enjoy reading the Journals and blogs of those that are pros. However, I do not think I am in their ranks just yet when it comes to poker.
Please don’t get me wrong. I don’t claim to be a great poker player. However, I do know that I am not bad. I feel like I can hang right in there with the best of them. Just so you know, I have only been playing poker for a little over a year now. I think I made my first deposit to Party Poker around February, 2004 and I ordered my first poker books (Poker for Dummies and Winning Low-Limit Hold’em) from Amazon about the same time. I started out playing low limit No Limit Hold’em and then found Sit-n-Gos and then Tournaments and that’s where I am today.
I have yet to play in a $10,000 Buy-In Event but I do believe my time is just about near. I have played in plenty of events and made a nice piece of change to add to my bank account from poker.
I say all of this just to say that my reason for this blog is to chart my progress. Keep track of my progression from amateur poker player to perhaps one day being a professional poker player. I know there are many that have the dream of doing the same and I know its not easy. However, with some practice and consistent playing time, I believe one day I wll get there. To be honest, the only reason I started my Tuesday Night game back around September 2004, was so I would have a place to play on a regular basis when not able to get to Atlantic City or Las Vegas.
Anyway, this is where I am. Now you know why I maintain this Blog. I hope one day I will give you the pleasure of saying, “I remember way back when he use to keep a poker blog and was an amateur”. We shall see.
-Big Syd
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